

An Entertaining Open-Source Project

About YAG2002

The project has started in 2002 and 'Yag' stands for 'Yet another game'. The missions in this project are 1. monitoring and evaluation of software technologies for creation of 3D virtual reality applications, 2. transfering appropriate technologies for development of a platform for building interactive 3D applications.

From 2002 until end of 2004 we worked with Fly3D, NeoEngine, Ogre3D, Nebula Devices, and some other engines But unfortunately we encountered some problems with those free engines, such as dropped further development, missing satisfactory support, and missing essential features. Extending those engines by needed features would have needed more time as we had. So we came to the solution that we actually need to put a platform together and avoid re-inventing the wheel by using as much as possible existing free available work.

We began to developed Yaf3D in 2005. Yaf3D is a framework around several software libraries. As you may guess, Yaf stands for 'Yet another framework'. The framework is a kind of proxy around existing free available libraries such as OpenSceneGraph, SDL, Cal3D. It provides additional useful services, among other things for initialization of used libraries, level loading, entity setup and management, physics setup, networking, logging, gui, and more.

In parallel to developing Yaf3D, a 3D Virtual Reality Chat (VRC) application is developed using it. Both activities benfit from eachother. The framework is tested, hardened and extended by needed features for a real application, and VRC grows in functionality.

For more information about Yaf3D visit our Developer Wiki.